It really isn’t a crazy idea. Living off of the land is something that was done, by everyone, up until the last 100 years or so. I am not an extreme conspiracy theorist. But you have to wonder, with what is going on in our world, what could happen. Could we be looking at World War III in our lifetime? What if what happened on September 11, 2001 happened on our soil again on a larger scale? What if ISIS ups their game and hits somewhere on our soil, close to where you or I live? It is a scary thought.
I want to be prepared to be able to live in a place where the only person I have to rely on is myself and my husband. Now I am not some doomsday prepper. I don’t want to be a recluse. It is simply that thinking of what “could” happen has made me realize how dependent we are on society for basically everything. From the food we eat to the fuel that powers our vehicles to the electricity that is currently powering this laptop.
Looking back 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago, there was a sense of community. People helped each other. People knew their neighbors. By name, not just someone you waved at when you were rushing out to your car to go to your job so you can try to keep up with your neighbors financially. I never really knew what that was like. My grandparents did, and my parents did to an extent, but I haven’t really experienced that. I want that. I want to experience what a true community feels like. I want to be able to help my neighbor and know that my neighbor will be there to help me if needed.
For a while now my husband and I have been looking into a more simple life. This is what we want. It will take planning. There are a lot of things we will need to learn. But there are a lot of things that we already know since we grew up in the mountains. Then one day I was on Facebook and ran across a non-profit page. Colorado Eco Village. You should check this page out. It was like a sign. I read about what they were hoping to accomplish and realized that it was exactly what we were wanting to do. But then you think to yourself, do I really want to do this with someone I don’t know? Kinda strange, right? And do you want to know the best part? The guy actually has some knowledge and has a thought out plan. But of course he does, he happens to be my cousin. 🙂 So yes, we really want to do this.
Again, this isn’t something that will happen overnight or even this year. Well, as far as my husband and I moving up there. But it is something that is in the works. He is looking at land right now for the Eco Village and he will make it happen. And we will do our part when and where we can in the mean time. The more people learn about it, the faster it can happen. It only takes one person to make a difference.